Tree Varieties
Leyland Cypress

The foliage of the Leyland Cypress varies somewhat from one cultivar to the next. But in general it tends to be arranged in irregularly flat planes with a dark green to gray color. The shoots branch repeatedly and have a contrasting mahogany color except at the tips. The trees have little aroma. More..
Fraser Fir

Fraser Fir is a uniformly pyramid- shaped tree which reaches a maximum height of about 80 feet and a diameter of 1-1.5 feet. Strong branches are turned slightly upward which gives the tree a compact appearance. Leaves (needles) are flattened, dark-green with a medial groove on the upper side and two broad silvery-white bands on the lower surface. More..
Eastern Red Cedar

The branches of the Eastern Red Cedar are compact and form a pyramidal crown, except in older trees. The leaves are usually arranged in opposing pairs along the branchlets. They are a dark shiny green color. The bark is reddish brown with a tendency to peel in long fibrous strips. More..
Deodar Cedar

The majestic Deodar Cedar tree is an expressive evergreen with weeping branchlets and soft touchable foilage. The leaves are longer than most cedars which are arranged in dense bundles to create an elegant specimen. The tree can grow up to 70 feet in cultivation and is known for its durability and rot-resistance. More..
Carolina Sapphire

The Carolina Sapphire or Clemson Greenspire (family: cupressus arizonica) is a steeple shaped tree with a pale-green to gray-green color. The leaves are extremely tiny and quite plentiful. They lay close to the branchlet surface in a scale like arrangement and are about 0.1 inches long. The bark is thin and delicate with a reddish brown color. More..
Eastern White Pine

Leaves (needles) are soft, flexible and bluish-green to silver green in color and are regularly arranged in bundles of five. Needles are 2 1/2-5 inches long and are usually shed at the end of the second growing season. More..
Virginia Pine

The Virginia pine's needles occur in pairs. They are twisted and range from 1.5 to 3" in length which are relatively short when compared to those of other pines. The branches are stout, woody and the bark is typical for most pines with a coarse appearance. It forms plates that are reddish brown in color with shallow fissures or furrows. More..
20 Feet and Up

Wright's tree farm specializes in big trees. We have multiple trees 20 feet and taller for all engagements.